Sunday, July 5, 2009

Almost Over

Hey all.
So my trip in India has almost come to it's conclusion. I've been incredibly busy during my time here and I'm completely exhausted - but I wish I could do more - but I'm also nearing my limit. I was getting very frustrated on my trip from Agra to Delhi today... but hold on bit before I tell you that story.

I know my last post was short, so here's some filler. I'll try not to make this post too long, but I've done a lot.

The wedding was Amazing with a Capita(o)l A. It started out with a night of Indian dancing for the couple. Some great dancing, some children dancing, some old people dancing... a bit too much dancing. We all almost fell asleep. Then some great food and we were back to the palace around midnight.
The second day of the wedding was the big reception. There were a lot of events during the day, mostly rituals involving the family (I went shopping instead). The reception had professional gypsy-like dancers, one of which was a male who danced with a clay pot balanced on top of two drinking glasses on his head while dancing on a bed of nails - then on on shattered glass. Pretty cool. This is where I wore my red saree which was very difficult to wear (see the last blog). I danced in front of the elephant that Karthik (groom) was riding for about an hour. His father had to bribe the elephant trainer to let Karthik down, which was kinda funny. We were at this reception until about one in the morning.

The next morning was the actually wedding. It was at 5am, so you can guess who wasn't there. I don't even know the guy, he couldn't possibly expect me to wake up that early for him. :) But later that day we went to the Jaipur fort - it was pretty cool. To tell you the truth, all the forts and palaces are running together in my mind. I'll have to look at the pictures to get them straight again.

The next day we went to Udaipur. On the way, we stopped at the Jain Temple. This is one of the most amazing temples in the world (I know - I've seen all of them). The entire temple (which is huge) is made out of carved marble. Intricately carved marble. You should look up some pictures. And the place is huge. Really, stop reading and look for the picture on the internet... I'll wait.

...After Udaipur, we took a train ride to Agra. Some of you may happen to know that this is where the Taj Mahal is. Pretty freaking cool. It's a giant marble building with such great art work (precious gems inlaid in the marble). I'm not even going to describe it more than that because you just have to come and see it.
After the Taj (yep, I'm on a first name basis with it now), we went to the Agra Fort. This is where the king-like guy who built the Taj was imprisoned by his son. Also really cool. Oh, all this happened today, so I remember this stuff a little better.

Then my long and arduous trip back to Delhi. I could just hit my friend Anil (sorry Anil, if you read this, but I'm about to call you out). First, this driver got lost trying to get us to the hotel in Agra (where we ate and freshened up, but didn't get a room). Then, after the Taj, he got lost getting out of Agra. Then he asked my friend Anil for Rs600 to fill up the tank of gas (which Anil gave him - he is supposed to pay for his own gas even though we had a private driver). Then he had Anil call his boss to so that Anil could get reimbursed the money, but the driver told Anil to tell the boss that he paid Rs1000. Why on earth Anil agreed to do this, I don't have the freaking foggiest idea. Then the driver got lost in Delhi. Then took us to the wrong hotel. Then got lost again, even though he got good directions and map with a phone number from the first wrong hotel. Then we got a flat tire. Then he had the gall to ask Anil for Rs500 tip!!! Absolutely crazy! I was about to scream at the driver and Anil!

But we got to the hotel safely (had to have them come pick us up, we were about 3 blocks away). Then I got some food and beer, and now I feel much better. Tomorrow we're just going to chill out, maybe go to a Bollywood flick. Then the next day I start my trek home. Then some good sleep at home and to work the next day. That's going to suck.

On that note, I'm going to bed. It's a little after midnight, and I didn't sleep hardly at all during the night train from Udaipur to Agra (which adds to the crankiness explained earlier). Oh, I also almost lost it with the guide at the Taj because he was telling me what to do and when to do it and who to talk to... I'm just not good with that kind of authority.

Night all. (or, you know, have a good day)

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